Susie Derkins, the only character with both first and last names, is the antithesis of Calvin. She has work ethic, is polite, and this is what Calvin claims to hate most about her. She is a classmate of Calvin's, and his next door neighbor and the target of many G.R.O.S.S (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) Club missions. Susie got her last name from "Derkins," the name of Watterson's wife's family beagle.
Susie, though she doesn't appear to have an imagination as lively as Calvin's, does have a stuffed bunny, Mr. Bun, that she regularly has tea parties with. It is unclear if she belives he is real, as Calvin does with Hobbes. The way she plays reveals a very smart, sarcastic, and slightly feminist mind, such as when she appoints herself as a businesswoman, Hobbes as the stay-at-home dad, and Calvin and the bratty boy. She says she'll come home and they can start arguing about who will microwave dinner.
Susie and Calvin
Watterson admits that Calvin and Susie have a bit of a crush on each other, but says that "the quasi-romantic tension" between them was overplayed in early strips. Hobbes, much to Calvin's chagrin, often puts on ties and such to try to attract Susie's attention. Susie, thinking Calvin put them on Hobbes, thinks it is cute, which Hobbes mistakes for Susie liking him.