Old News

News from previous versions of the site.

April 22- Redesign and revamp of the site, to unify it and make it fresh before I leave it again. Expect sporadic updates

January 2- Changed Contest Page... Gave award to Digital Calvin and Hobbes. Added Project Wonderful Ad Box. If you become a Project Wonderful Member, (It's free) You can have free advertising on this site!

January 1st, 2007- Just saw the ball drop in New York and all the fireworks. People screaming and banging pots and pans, all to commemorate CaHA's FIRST BIRTHDAY! Thanks to all!

December 31- Put up descriptions in the Links section.

December 30- Put regular design back.

December 9- Edits to many pages to better them, new links page and changed front page.

December 8- Added Robot Chicken Page

December 7- New Holiday Look up!!

November 19- Two New Pages put up. Non Sequitur and How to Legally read all C&H strips online.

November 11- Todays' Strip removed cause it didn't work. http://calvinandhobbes.com has the strips.

October 31- The contest is over and a new look for the site!

October 20- Read a full 14 Day Archive of the strip RIGHT HERE ON CaHA! Plus, two new vsitor submitted animations

October 8- Amintions page and Halloween design up!

September 23- Games section and C&H History Up.

September 18, 19, 20- Goodies, Special, Theater, and other fun pages are added on, as well as the books page.

September 17- Site is rebuilt in part on Verizon.

September 16- Site is removed by Yahoo! Geocities.

September 9th 2006 - Radio is up in the Special Section.

September 8th 2006- Notice the search box at the bottom of this page and the sidebar of all other pages.

--- August 22- September 7th not available due to the file deletion, but this was when we had our big redesign.---

August 21- Obviously, I haven't updated this page in a while, mostly because of the fact that I've made no visible HUGE updates. But don't think I haven't been working!! Look for a new design coming soon with new features and new pages... I'm about halfway done as we speak. Also, we are now easily found at www.calvinandhobbesalbum.tk

July 31- As you can see the links page has been updated. I think the new design is much better.
IMPORTANT: We will soon be moving to http://geocities.com/calvinandhobbesalbum to accomodate more data transfer, and in prepearation, the site will be shut down for a day at a time, one of those days being today. Expect this to be happeneing until August 7th at the latest. Note that for every day it is closed, it will be open the day after.

July 17- I'm baaack!! New stuffs coming soon...

June 23- I will not be present online until Mid-July. Happy browsing!!

June 18- I realize most email forms aren't working. I'm working to remedy this. Please be patient.

June 11- I've changed the wallpapers page dramatically. In addition to there being COOL, ORIGINAL wallpapers as opposed to those low resoulution boring ones I had before, there is also a complete Calvin and Hobbes font download, My Album Award Campaign, and SO MUCH MORE!! CHECK THE NEW DOWNLOADS PAGE OUT!

June 7- Now that the page is a link in the Wikipedia official Calvin and Hobbes article, we've been getting a LOT more traffic, hitting a record 118 people yesterday, June 6th. Expect the site to be down more. I am looking at solutions to this, but as it will probably involve me coughing up dough, don't expect a solution THAT soon.

May 22- You're lucky you've gotten through to read this!! For some reason, I keep overdoing my data transfer, even though I have the same amount of visitors than before. You'll notice that I have changed the animations page to accomodate less transfer. I hope that this will help. Also look for a new page soon that will sowcase readers favorites! For details, click here. The link may not work until tomorrow, but check back!

May 20- Yet another new home page. I think I'll stick w/ this one for a while. An updated about page has arrived!

May 13- New front page!! Complete and eyecatching Character pages are up! Check 'em out!

May 9- Deleted the sidebar and added the bottom navbar. It looks tons better and is less distracting. Look for it at the bottom of every page!

May 2- Took off the AlbumChat. You can still use it from the link under April 21st, but I don't think anybody did use it, so I'm not gonna have it as a regular feature. A blog for the radio show as been put up. Access it by clicking "radio", then at the radio site, click "The dissected Blog" on the SideBar..

April 29- Changed all headers and front page w/ C&H font.

April 22- An archive of the radio show was put up!

April 21- The show about Len is up, Check it out!! Also, I put a "AlbumChat" Chatroom up. It is in BETA. This means in this case that I am seeing if people will use it, then I add it to the navigation bar. For now, you can go to it here, or from the front page.

April 9- The next show is gonna be great! We'll have Len from Jawbone radio to talk to us about interviewing Bill Watterson's mother!! I'll let you know when the show is up.

April 7- Wow! The Radio Show is working again!! I'll leave the old show up for another 2 weeks because I will be away for that amount of time. Also, I'll have a new show at least once a month, but the bi-weekly thing is hard to find topics for.

April 3- New Award for the site!! Check it out!

April 1- New Look, especially the front page.

March 26-Huge update checklist so far:
-----More attempts at reviving radio...Didn't Work
-----Switch-ups of some comics.......In process
-----Updates on all pages................. Check!
-----New Features?!........................Check! (Read more below)
-----IM links..................................Not gonna happen
-----More!!!...................................Yup! (Read below)
-----Updates on my homepage......... Check! (Check it out)
-----The Comix Ring...................... On it's way
-----New Features: "Calvin Says," 6 New Wallpapers, Rare Bill Watterson Art, Counters, Polls, More links, new comics.

March 18 - Added Polls and other Features Such as "Calvin Says" to Homepage, Feedback forms on Homepage, etc. Big Update Still Coming!

March 17- Added counters and other various html-like things. If the site is acting a little screwy, it is in a testing phase, please be patient.

March 16- By March 27 I'll do a Huge Update containing, but not limited to, the following:
-----More attempts at reviving radio
-----Switch-ups of some comics
-----Updates on all pages
-----New Features?!
-----IM links
-----Updates on my homepage expected as well as the start to "The Comix Ring," a compilation of my comics sites. Click Here to go to my existing homepage.

March 7- Radio down. Problem still not found.

March 3- Wallpaper Added.

February 10- Links page added.

February 27- Links page updated.

February 2- Exclusive Animation added to the animations section.

January 29- Calvin and Hobbes Radio Added!!!

January 17- Site finished.

January 13- Huge Revamp Started; Front page done.

January 1- Site reborn from the ashes of Calvin and Hobbes World